2155 So. Orchard Drive, #102 , Bountiful, UT 84010 | Ph: 801-292-1710
Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10 - 6, Saturday 10 - 5
Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10 - 6, Saturday 10 - 5
Heat N' Bond Thermo-O-Web Ultrahold
A paper backed sheet of solid heatactivated adhesive with a nosew bond three times stronger than other traditional fusible web. It uses a low temperature and short pressing time so a wider range of materials can be bonded. No seam or pressing cloth needed. It will not lift or pucker after washing. Freight Intensive Freight intensive items are nonreturnable. Billable transportation charges for freight intensive items will be the greater of the dimensional weight compared to the actual weight. In addition to transportation charges, freight carriers may assess an additional oversize charge per package.